Cranston Country Club

Jim Royal

Jim was many things to the world – he was a husband, a father, a grandfather, a brother, an uncle and a son. He was a colleague or a coworker, he was a coach and a teacher, a handyman and a confidant. He may have been a golf partner, a drinking buddy or the man who came in once a week to pick up his dry-cleaning.  But with all of those roles he played, he touched people in a very personal way. In the end, the most important thing he was to everyone - a friend; a person you knew was there for you and cared about you. Jim enjoyed life and lived it to the fullest – whether it was showing up to work everyday, spending time with his family or having fun and playing golf - he knew the importance of living in the moment. He did everything with his full strength - loved, lived, worked and played - never losing sight of what was vital.His biggest contribution will always be the life and energy he had inside – we were all drawn to it. He knew that the little things were important, a friendly voice on the other end of a call, a proper way to tell a joke, an end to an awkward silence, or really telling you how he felt about you. All these things make us appreciate the way he took personal interest in all of us – and that is what the world misses most - this is his lasting legacy.